Blackheart's Lore & Additional Information

Learn more about the general occupations, gangs and activist groups of Starfall.

Blackheart's Lore

Current year in the role-play is 2025; the following lore is everything that happened before the current story-line.

Nightfall's Curse

Good always conquered evil — or that's how the saying goes. Every fairy tale told the same story in different ways. There was a moment where evil was close to prevailing and each time the hero would find a way of conquering the impossible; however, that wasn't always going to be the case. Bad things happen to good people and good doesn't always win. That was the truth of the world no matter how anyone looked at it. And in fact, good wasn't always good. There was darkness in everyone awaiting to come out — they just didn't know it yet. It was hard to say what actually happened one fateful night when a curse bestowed their worlds — it crept in the darkest of nights and hardly anyone saw it coming. It snatched everyone from their homes and took away their happily ever afters before they could realize what was happening. The curse didn't just target those who were apparently good, but took the villains of their stories too. Everyone's memories were wiped and replaced with new memories as they were situated in a city called STARFALL. Everyone was forced to live their own mundane lives, riddled with consequences, struggles and hardship that were unfamiliar to their storybooks.There was a sense of unhappiness in everyone, regardless if they showed it or not. Everyone, whether they knew it or not, had been fighting with their fatal flaw. No one was made to have the perfect life and even if they were living what appeared to be under fortunate means — it didn't mean they were happy. The truth of the matter is that every hero can live long enough to become the villain and every villain can still have a chance at redemption. With the clock ticking and the curse awaiting to be broken — will they find the secrets of breaking the curse before it's too late? Will they learn who enacted this curse onto to them and why? If there were lessons to be learned — why them?These were the answers sleeping behind the memories of every Starfall citizen. Whatever truth was out there was far from being discovered.

Seven Deadly Sins

No one was perfect. No matter how good someone was they all struggled with a sin that could be their undoing. Although Starfall citizens are living their lives, they're attached to a sin that could be their greatest victory or their ultimate undoing. The one who bestowed this curse on them wanted to see what the lives of others would be like if they weren't tied under the same circumstances like they had in their world. Although some had similar situations, the structures were completely different. Their relationships were defined by different means. The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Greed & Envy were all intertwined with every storybook character in this world; however, it's the sin that could be the catalyst for so much more. Unbeknownst to the characters, they don't know that the flaws and the sins that they suffer with is the very thing they have to conquer. Although the writer is aware of this, the character isn't. Everyone in this world would have an idea of whether or not they want their character to conquer their sin or succumb to it. As what happens if you win or lose is yet to be disclosed.

Starfall City's Lore

Fairy Tales had always been about how good conquered evil – how the bad were defeated. True love was the premise to every tale and every happy ending, but no one tells the story that comes after or the trials yet to be faced. That’s what befell those who lived in their Castles and naivety – unaware of what was to follow. Not only were the protagonists devoured and forced into this journey, but the antagonists of their stories were not leading their demise for once, but instead – they were engulfed by a curse they could only dream about bestowing on their heroes. An unknown curse that ripped them from their worlds and damned them to a new one. There were no memories of their old life and there was no magic either. They were powerless and left to live in a place that would take every ounce of their chances to be happy so they could know true pain in a way that was never bestowed on them before. They were brought into a modern world, in a c i t y that didn’t thrive by normal means: Starfall – their newest chapter to a chaos they were unprepared for.But to them, this new city was all that they knew.Starfall was a place always in distress, plagued by the sins and sinners that rummaged the streets. The city had been in such poor condition that it had remained a territory that no other dare travel to. It didn’t often see visitors from neighboring counties, but instead it remained a section of its own – a territory that remained forbidden. And yet no one questioned this because it was ‘understandable.’ Although it desperately needed help, it was left forgotten. Those that had grown up here refused to leave as it was all they’ve ever known and for many it had been nearly impossible to leave. It was as if it was a dystopian society within a modern world. During the early 2000s, the city had only grown worse with Rasputin as Mayor. People were dying in the streets, heavier taxes were implemented on those that lived there and it didn’t feel safe to leave your house from the dangers that one could face. He was not a Mayor that had the best interest at heart for his city. Starfall was never an ideal place to live, but it became even more so as time went on, but little did they know, change was coming.In 2007, Nicholas II Romanov came with the goal in mind to change this city. For once, he began to run as Mayor when everyone else was too afraid to. Just like Rasputin, he was a powerful man and was able to counter the hold he had on the city and outing him for the crimes he had committed on the people. As Nicholas II won and took over as Mayor, he began to make changes to help the city find a light among all the darkness for those who remained attached and intertwined with the city’s legacy while chasing Rasputin out of time. For the next couple of years, people were happy again and thriving. Schools were being cleaned up so the younger generation could continue their education and many of the buildings and nicer neighborhoods were being restored – it was a community working together for a brighter tomorrow, but they didn’t know the darkness that awaited them.Then came 2010 – a year that no one could forget and an incident that was referred to as the Dark of the Night.There were still followers of Rasputin lurking the city in regards to intel and a plot to take back what he had always felt belonged to him; what had been confusing to many, he still had loyal followers willing to do his bidding. As he infiltrated the city once more, he found his way into the Romanov home where he had murdered Nicholas II and his entire family aside from the one little girl that got away. What he hadn’t expected was to be wounded by a gunshot and nearly killed and betrayed all at the same time. Especially by his own blood. The city that had grown to love Nicholas II had pushed Rasputin and his men out of the city, but as luck would have it – a rumor grew and flourished through the city about how Rasputin was dead. It couldn’t bring back the Mayor that they loved, but it did give them a reason to work together. The streets had chaos, but the gangs began to take over it and bring love back for the city that others refused to see. New Mayors and Council members had taken place and change was implemented, but the damage was done and far too difficult to reverse in certain parts of the city such as The River Styx. The afterlife of the city. There was not only corruption in the streets, but even law enforcement and the offices were flooded with this corruption.Was anyone really safe here? The city began to brew new evils. All the world had embodied was greed, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, sloth and wrath – it was an endless c h a o s as if the people had brewed an even darker evil that hadn't been realized. Perhaps, it had always been there lurking in the shadows in hopes to bring upon damnation to all those who flourished here. Their own curses yet to be realized and solved, but their destinies aligned to a fate that would eventually be their undoing.WELCOME TO THE CITY OF STARFALL.

Getting Started

Now that you've been accepted into the server, it's time to figure out how to get started. Before you write, you should work on your biography and important elements of your character. Deciding on their Fatal Flaw and their Sin is important on how you proceed moving forward.We are 18+ and allow dark themes. We want people to be creative and embark on the story they want to tell. Anything that involves other writers always requires permission and discussion, but we want to give our members free reign on deciding on their ailments and unique contribution to the server's story.

I've been accepted. Now what?

  • For starters, consider the following questions when character building.

What's my occupation?

  • Occupations may be another way of understanding how your character would influence the world here. We have different groups your character can be a part of or you can decide that you want to be a business owner. We would create locations for you if you have an idea, just ask. (We're only picky with this if there are too many duplicates or we can't see how the channel can be used in future uses, but it never hurts to ask so we can see if it can work or may need some adjusting. Only after your character is completed and ready to go will we consider this request).

  • Review occupations in the occupation channel, you'll find gangs such as Crossbones and Drake's Fang — Activist group called Dandelions — A Sanctuary and smuggling organization such as Court of Miracles/Brothel Owner of Note Dame Club along with other primary positions— Students, Teachers, Law Enforcement, CEO(s), business owners and even Starfall's Darkside. Of course if you'd like to be in those primary groups you don't have to ask, but if you're looking for a specific position you'll need to discuss with the Ringleader of each group on what your character can do in those groups.

What's my Fatal Flaw?

  • Fleshing out your character is important and so are their flaws. You want to understand them. We want to understand them. What are their struggles. There aren't wrong answers here, but if you do miss the mark the admin team may help you flesh it out more.

  • What is a Fatal Flaw? (Google further if you're confused). A fatal flaw, often referred to as a "tragic flaw" in literary terms, is a character trait or defect that leads to the downfall or destruction of a character.

  • For example, we can consider Scar from Disney's "The Lion King." Scar's fatal flaw is his jealousy and lust for power. Throughout the movie, Scar's envy of his brother Mufasa's position as King drives him to manipulate and deceive others in order to gain control of the Pride Lands. Scar's jealousy blinds him to the consequences of his actions and leads him to commit acts of treachery, including orchestrating Mufasa's death and attempting to kill Simba. His insatiable thirst for power ultimately results in his own downfall as he loses the support of the other animals in the Pride Lands and is defeated by Simba in the final confrontation.

  • This should somehow tie into your sin or reflect it in someway.

What is my cursed life?

  • All characters do not have their memories at the start of this story (nor magic or powers of any kind). No exceptions.

  • Everyone is cursed in some kind of way, even if they're living rather successful lives. The most important thing to consider is who you want your character to be in this world. Your experience here depends on your interaction with other characters and the community around you. We want everyone to engage and utilize other characters in your character's journey and growth within the server. If you stay to one person and don't make an effort to build connections around you, you will not get to write the stories you want or even be involved in bigger stories if you don't want to make an effort for meaningful connections

  • Without giving too much away of the story, we need the writers in this server to come up with a life and story that may restrict their character in some kind of way. For example, some are in loveless marriages, abusive relationships or other dynamics that might hinder them. Some have what appear to be great lives, but may shine them in a more villainous light. For those characters, redemption may be harder to achieve or perhaps you want your character to be a villain that only gets worst as the story plays out. Villain or hero, your options are open.

  • If someone from your verse is present in the server, we definitely encourage to start there in developing your character's life. All discussions must be consensual through all parties so don't have a story that's not approved by the other person in your story. (But again, you may find more exciting dynamics by adventuring out with other characters). If they're not present but you have a concept you'd like reviewed, bring it to the admins and we can see if we can allow it and add the character to the Adoptable section.

What sin do I need to conquer?

  • You must pick a sin from the Seven Deadly Sins. Every character has one. We understand there may be multiple sins you could associate your character to, but when building your backstory and fatal flaw, see what falls closest to the story you'd like to tell. It should be the one you feel that your character struggles with and needs to conquer. Whether or not you believe they can would be influenced by the story, but we will ask all writers to understand if they want their characters to succeed or fail. Understanding if you want them to succeed or fail is vital to the overall story and where we're going. We do think it's important to feel this out and know so you cann have your character influenced in the right way to get here. Depending on your decision, will depend on how their story unravels. This doesn't have to be common knowledge, but to those involved it'll help your character's direction as a lot of planning and discussion goes on in this group to build a story together that all of us would enjoy. Perhaps you won't know right away where you want to go, but something triggers it or a new idea sparks your direction. The more connections you build and events your character is involved in may begin to unravel more revelations for your character.

Character Breakdown

  • Aside from the server guidelines, the following breakdown is rules regarding your characters and choices within the server. There may be certain stipulations about characters or questions you might have that could be found here to be reviewed. So check here before asking questions as we did our best to lay it out for you, but we know some things can get misconstrued.

  • We require all characters in the server to have real life face claims. You may choose the actress/actor that has played your character in the past or a new one. Be sure to check the taken face claims to make sure the FC you're looking for isn't already taken. We try to keep this list updated, but I would still ask just in case something is missing.

  • First and foremost, you have a free range on what you want to do with your character, but if it's clashing with another's position or title we require discussion. Everyone has plotted their characters thoroughly and have created directions where they would like to go. Of course, surprises will and can occur, but we encourage that all members flesh out their characters. Blackheart is a dark-fantasy fairy tale re-telling in a more modernized society and nothing is off the table no matter how dark you want to go with your background or your story, but if it involves others, discussion is required and you should heed any TW others may have. The level system is also there for a reason.

  • In order to have a sense of fairness in the server, one person can't have more than (2) Princesses in the server. We go based on Disney confirmed Princesses + popularity of the characters. For example, if you have Jasmine & Rapunzel, you can't also have Cinderella. That would mean you'd have three of the Princesses on the list. You also have to show activity to have a second Princess approved. These characters are popular and if you're lacking in your presence with that character then it would be best to give them to someone you know will give them activity they deserve.

  • The following Princesses/Popular muses in the server that can't exceed (2) are:

  • [Anna, Anastasia, Ariel, Asha, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, Tiana, Snow White, Jasmine, Moana, Merida, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel & Raya]

  • This server has been on and off the last three years with different renditions and officially active for over a year with the newest reboot. We have all put hard work into the story, characters and world and wanted to open it publicly for others to join. Most of the characters taken in this server have been used for over a year now, some even longer. We don't have a character limit or requirement to submit applications. We do require biographies for your characters to be finished before applying for additional characters though. Most of the stories for those characters are built with discussion and communication with other writers. We absolutely encourage it and advise not to go into the story blindly ~!

  • Where the story currently stands — there is no magic and no one has their memories of their prior life. Your character is living a new life in Starfall and everything that currently happens here with them is canon. Admins will reveal the story as we go and it's why we demand consistent activity.

  • To keep things simple, Final Fantasy characters will only have memories from their respective games. They will not harbor any Kingdom Hearts memories. We don't want to add to the confusion within already severely confused characters. This also applies with Kingdom Hearts characters not having memories of Final Fantasy characters. What connections you build now is up to you, but the day characters remember their past lives we don't want these two things over-lapping since Final Fantasy characters had different backstories and experiences within Kingdom hearts. This doesn't mean you can't have in story connections, but just understand that any past memories between the two will not interlink.

Fatal Flaws & The Seven Deadly Sins:

  • Every member is required to establish their fatal flaw and pick a sin out of the Seven Deadly Sins. This is vital to the story and understanding your character. We ask that all members understand which sin is more than likely what your character struggles with the most. We understand it can sometimes be multiple, but what you should choose the sin that fits best with the story that you want to tell. As you read under Blackheart's Lore, each character has to find a way to conquer their sin. What would happen if they don't? Well, that will be learned when we get there. This means you can allow villains to redeem themselves or you can let them fall. The same would apply to a hero and their journey. They can fall too. We encourage discussions with other characters and being honest about what you really want for your character. There is nothing wrong with pre-planning what you want to happen to them. For admins to best help orchestrate what you want, it's best that we understand this too. Everyone should be able to tell their story and enjoy it! (I may be repetitive at times, but I want this to be as clear as possible).

  • If you stay separate from everyone and don't allow your character to explore the world or the people in it then it makes it more difficult for characters to care about your character. We establish many forms of communications to help engage and this community is so open that they want to discuss with you.

Original Characters & Familial Relationships:

  • We don't allow original characters, let alone characters that are not canon children to the characters within this story (There is no second gen this or that — not unless it was present in canon and we saw this character within that chosen media) . It would not work out for the story that we're trying to tell and we make no exception to this; however, we do have characters that have followed certain lore points / fan theories or made their character into a familial relationship with current characters. These decisions were made within discussion between writers. We don't allow this unless all members associated to this discussion agree to it. There are popular fan theories such as Tarzan being related to Anna & Elsa along with other plausible concepts which we're totally here for! Yet, we don't consent to these ideas unless the other party involved is also agreeing to this. In Starfall anything is possible since members don't have their memories right now in the story that they can create different relationships in family and friends that they may not normally have.

  • Discussing these ideas and ASKING is the best way to understand what is possible and not possible. If you came here wanting to be Mulan's child despite there not being a canon child then we can't allow that. If you want something close to an original character, you can take characters and reinvent them. For example, we have members who have Light Fury and Toothless. Although they don't have any lines or their own individual story in a realism sense, they were reimagined here with human lives and backgrounds. We do allow this. Another example could even be the Crocodile in Peter Pan. This character doesn't talk, but still plays an important role. You could create an original character out of the Crocodile by giving him a name, a face and a backstory. It can resonate on who you want them to be here.

  • We allow and encourage creativity! It just needs to make sense in the world that we built.

Anthropomorphic characters & other related species:

  • We allow members to take anthropomorphic characters and turn them into humans. As said above, this is the closest thing you can get to an original character. Many of our members have characters like this that they reimagined in this world. There will never be a point in the story that these characters revert back to their old forms. Who they are now in the story will remain even when their memories return. Please double check the ban list because there are some Anthropomorphic characters that we don't allow such as Mickey/Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pete and any characters within that genre. Personally, we just don't feel like they will work here and don't plan to change that since we already allow so many other verses within the server.

Adoptable Characters

Click on the photos of the characters to be directed to their backgrounds.

Blackheart has always been a private server that we thought we should open up to the public. We've been around for the last three years so many of untaken characters have story-lines that are connected to current characters. We did our best to not try to involve other characters and leave flexibility for those who do join, but we couldn't manage it for everyone. And to some regards, we think that having these characters that might have background and connections may make it easier to integrate within the server.If there is something about their story-line that you would like to tweak, let us know; however some of the jobs or connections are set in stone. We want you to know what to expect if you choose to grab any of the following characters listed here. How you evolve from here is up to you!Again, not all characters with association to others are listed here. This means these character have vital roles or occupations that it remains important to the lore of Blackheart or part of someone's backstory.